Real-World Simulation Test for Respiratory Protective Equipment Against Chemical Warfare Agents.

Unique System Test for Protective Respirators

SMARTMAN: This test equipment is developed in the United States, and ProQares is the only non-U.S. commercial laboratory worldwide able to perform this test. The SMARTMAN system test enables highly accurate and realistic measurements of the protection level provided by respiratory protective equipment against chemical warfare agents.

The Smartman Test Procedure

SMARTMAN consists of a dummy head and torso that simulate natural breathing. The respiratory protective equipment is placed on the dummy head and then exposed to Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs). Sensors at the dummy’s nose and eyes register the amount of blister agent or nerve gas that permeates or penetrates during the test. The result is a accurately conducted measurement that provides clear insight into the effective level of protection your product offers.

Protection When It Matters Most

End users must be able to fully rely on their respiratory protective equipment in life-threatening conditions. With the SMARTMAN system test, ProQares helps you ensure that your product delivers the level of protection required in critical situations.
SMARTMAN is just one of the essential tests for respiratory protective equipment and other protective products. ProQares offers a wide range of required tests conducted in accordance with international standards.